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Projects - Overview

In this section, Projects, you will find video tutorials divided into thematic groups, such as Animation, Music, etc. These tutorials describe the structure and operation of projects submitted by programmers to the Scratch official site. These projects often include aspects of several of these thematic groups. For example: a game with music and animation.


New projects are added periodically to this area of the website to illustrate new creative ways of using Scratch and to highlight good practices in programming.


These projects are selected for their success in supporting the development of one or more of the nine 21st Century Skills.


In each video tutorial you will find a description of the operation of the project, a detailed analysis of the program sections, and ideas and suggestions to explore further.


Learn and Practice

Study the video tutorial using the menu items on the right. Each of the menu entries in turn will contain several individual video tutorials. Practice with your own Scratch environment and experiment with new possibilities.

Main Menu
VIDEO: Scratch Projects
1. Animation
2. Drawing
3. Games
4. Interactive Art
5. Math
6. Music
7. Simulation